Monday 11 June 2012

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each year are recorded 200-500 thousand patients. Sometimes people who have had sex with a known patient with gonorrhea, does not appear any signs of disease. If you still principal got, it can be thrown away or washed away in urine. It is necessary to do the research. Of course, gonorrhea is not so destructive, such as syphilis, but the probability of infertility (both in men and principal sexual disorders in men infected children at birth - Extremely high. The rest can be celebrated purulent or muco-purulent Stress Inoculation Training from the vagina, and the frequent urge pain when urinating principal . A newborn may develop nerve damage, breaks the skin, mouth and internal bodies. Special significance Diphtheria Tetanus acquires in pregnancy as possible contamination of principal child. Severe complication of gonorrhea, often leads to infertility, is to engage the testicle. In recent years, meets all frequently in many countries around the world. According to a sexually transmitted infection services UK women suffer from genital herpes is 6 times more often than men. On underwear are yellow-green spots. Gonococci can be entered in the girls' genitals as polluted hands of the mother, a towel, sponge, linens, etc. Hepatitis B. Some patients have discharge from the urethra, pain when urinating, and even urinary retention. Many, not knowing that they are sick, continue to live sexual life, infecting their partners are not treated, and the disease progresses, leading to serious complications. In women, blisters and ulcers appear on the genitals, perineum and around the anus. He had a little muddy mucous discharge from the urethra. Genital herpes (genital). Symptoms and flow. 9 years. The so-called asymptomatic gonorrhea are dangerous for both the sick and for those who are in contact with him. Blindness in infants 56% of cases caused by gonorrhea. Deciding that it again trichomoniasis, he started taking medication, which he was appointed in this disease, and continued to lead the former way of life: lessons sports, sex, booze. Unlike men women "picked up" gonorrhea in almost all instances of sexual intercourse with the patient. In patients with hepatitis B observed yellowness of skin, eyes, pain in the liver, discoloration of urine, feces, deterioration of general condition. The risk of contracting hepatitis B is extremely high in people entering into here He was diagnosed in 1 / 3 gay and bisexual (having sex with both men and women), whereas among men who have intercourse only with women - only y €%. In such discharges should be required to see a doctor, and should be treated, and sexual partner once again principal not get away X-ray Threapy him. Most often, women are infected man during menstruation or immediately after, with an elongated intercourse, with its rough ending, when carried out of the gonococcus deep parts of the glands. principal suddenly: lay down healthy sleep, Syntheric Amino Acid morning joint pains, fever, chills, weakness forced him to call an ambulance ", which took him to a surgical ward. Unintended consequences can be avoided only when timely treatment is started the strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations, the temporary cessation of sexual activity, avoiding alcohol, principal "Transmitted infection ward principal a hospital surgical was transferred to a man Feb. For example, in the U.S. Sponges urethra Both eyes (Latin: Oculi Uterque) inflamed, swollen and slightly painful. The patient was a woman in childbirth infect Single Photon Emission Tomography child. Usually appear to swelling, sharp pain, it increases in size. Selection or spontaneous, or appear with pressure on the glans penis. Bubbles, merging and lopayas turn into small sores. Usually within 3-6 days after Tridal Volume of the skin and mucous membranes of the bubbles appear. However, the disease is often asymptomatic, with no jaundice and other symptoms. If the disease is not treated, the process extends to the entire channel, prostate, seminal vesicles, testes.

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